Telstra T-Connect changes in 2022 promise nothing

“The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour”

This now-famous quote has been attributed to psychologists, such as Albert Ellis, Walter Michel, and B.F. Skinner, to writers such as Mark Twain. So, our belief is that if a large Telco hasn’t given much help in the past with interpreting their billing data, our confidence is not high that future access or understanding will be any easier!

Telstra has recently advised the software platform T-analysis, with all the past billing tools and reports is being moved to a new platform called Telstra T-connect early in 2022. And whilst they have won a shiny new award for the change , it appears no one has thought to make the billing and charges any simpler to decipher.

What does this mean? We know this will affect existing users. We are hopeful, Telstra won’t change anything when they move things across. But, as you know, when large scale changes are made, things will fall through the cracks.

All Telstra T-analyst customers – We want you to have the heads up on this change. Do you use the existing reports and information to your advantage? We believe this is rare, or you would be able to discover the errors we constantly see with each new customer.

Ask Jensen IP Analysis to review your old data urgently, get the credits you deserve, and prepare you for the new platform. A great time to reset things and get your telco accounts into order, and save. We save Telstra clients on average of $49,903 per customer in Credits per Audit. Then, in addition, there are ongoing savings.

NBN and Telstra accounts may well be the most complex billing systems devised… Jensen IPA can make sense of it. Don’t wait though. Call 0409 481 508 NOW | [email protected] | #TELCO #telstra #costreduction