Reclaim Overcharged Telecom Expenditure
How a Law firm on the Gold Coast was able to reclaim $18,000 in overcharged expenditure.
Recently, Jensen IPA was contacted by a partner of a small law firm, who felt they were not being charged correct pricing for their services. Not knowing where to start they engaged our services. After our initial discussion, we had found several promised data service upgrades had not been delivered months after the contract signing. The Data project had several errors and consequently promised data services had not been delivered at all.
How do you navigate a complex Telecommunications bill? Many firms are unsure how to read and understand their telecommunications bills. Like many other companies, Woods Hatcher had trouble understanding how to track progress on their project. Not just the technical issues, but also how the changes made would affect the billing. In fact, the month by month billing and charging had been affected by delays and complications in the Data project. Expected savings from these new services was not flowing through to the accounts. Jensen IPA were able to highlight the service orders that needed completion and the cancellation of old services. After some time, new data services were connected and charging appearing on the bills, many more than 6 months after signing their contracts. All of this meant that the firm had lost at least 6 months’ worth of expected savings from the new contract.
After some negotiations with their provider, the company were able to reclaim over $18, 000 in overcharged expenditure due to the delays in their order processing.
“Jensen IPA did a great job in identifying inaccuracies and incorrect charges, then liaised with Telstra on our behalf and was able to achieve a significant credit, which we have now received. Dealing with Telstra can be extremely frustrating, thankfully, Kevin’s experience in the industry proved very valuable.” Tom Hatcher, Solicitor, Woods Hatcher Solicitors, Isle of Capri. There is real value in regularly checking products and services are charged as quoted and provided in a timely manner