Telecom Data Analysis

Only a Telecom Expenses Independent Audit can accurately uncover what businesses are paying for their telephone and internet bills.

Our audits have found that many businesses overpay monthly as the charges do not match contract rates.

Let us keep track of your business phone and data expenses. We offer an initial free consultation to understand whether your business is overpaying for these services.



" I want you to understand what you're paying for in your business telecommunications charges."

We provide independent bills management software to audit data and phone business expense management. It is all very simple. As a Telstra T Analyst™ specialists, our audit can save your business thousands over the years. Book a FREE call consultation.


Watch a quick video for more information about how Jensen IPA will help audit, analyze, and reduce your business' telecom expenses.


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Telstra T Analyst™ Management

The Telstra billing tool (Telstra T Analyst™) provides business account customers with insight into their usage and billing data. The software requires ongoing management, so it's important to keep an eye on the analytics regularly in order to make sure everything is accurate as a small discrepancy can cost thousands for the business over the years.

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Telecom Expense Management

Over 90% of companies overpay their telcon expenses. We help business lower those monthly costs with our auditing services. We know how the telecom business billing system works and how it can navigate the most difficult issues. Our aim is to help businesses understand their Telstra and other providers of phone and internet bills.

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Telecom Complain Management

We have a dispute and complain management system that has resulted in thousands of dollars in cost savings on past and present bills and expenses. Our process reduces your stress in dealing with the telco provider. We use a comprehensive audit approach which enables us to find solutions and opportunities for cost savings.

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Telstra Bills Enquiries

Jensen IPA has 33 years experience in complex Telstra billing and charges. Our aim is helping businesses understand their billing statements from Telstra and other internet and phone providers. We provide you with a timely response and answers to your complex billing issues disputes and concerns.

Successful Cases

  • testimonial-image

    ensen IPA's in-depth knowledge knowledge of Telstra billing and ability to analyse data resulted in not only some savings for us, but a transfer of skill to me

    Hineesh Kg, Volvo Group
  • testimonial-image

    We retained the services of Jensen IPA to ensure our firm was being charged the correct prices and services with Telstra. Kevin Jensen did a great job in identifying inaccuracies and incorrect charges, then liaised with Telstra on our behalf and was able to achieve a significant credit, wich we have now received. Dealing with Telstra can be extremely frustating, thankfully, Kevin's experience in the industry proved very valuable

    Tom Hatcher, Woods Hatcher Solicitors
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    We recently had Kevin ( Jensen IPA ) review over 6 months worth of Telstra bills. We are an ASX 200 company and our bills are huge, over 100 lines of data. His in depth knowledge knowledge of Telstra billing and ability to analyse data resulted in not only some savings for us, but a transfer of skill to me. Kevin is highly approachable and customer focused. I stay in regular contact with him and he is only ever a phone call or email away. If you need help with you Telstra bill, or even if you think you don't, Kevin is the one to speak to.

    Adam Lorde, G8 Education
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    As someone who has worked with Kevin Jensen ( Jensen IPA) inside the same organisation, and more recently as an industry colleague, Kevin has earned the highest levels of respect from the people he has served and supported. Bringing decades of experience from the telecommunications sector and operating with the highest levels of integrity, Kevin is nothing but an asset to any business or individual who needs an honest assessment of their telecommunications inventory and expenditure.

    Simon Yuen, CallN
  • testimonial-image

    Essentially the issue was that we were not receiving Telstra account credits that were due, and were receiving inaccurate monthly invoices from Telstra. Kevin from Jensen IPA carried out an audit on our account. We didn’t obtain any real action until together we approached the Telecommunications Ombudsman, and now we have a substantial credit due, which is now only being currently held up with COVID-19 delays. Kevin is very approachable, easy to talk to, very precise when obtaining information, and very specific about his work.

    David Hardie, FORT KNOX

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