Engineering firm Case Study – Credits Received = $1.4 million

“We can now stop the number of hours we’ve spent in the past sorting the Telstra accounts”
This engineering firm provides essential upstream services to the oil gas and renewable sector, playing key roles in Australia’s largest resource developments, like the Tamworth water pipeline in NSW. They feel they been experiencing Telstra account issues since dinosaurs were around, since the company was founded in fact, they have had billing issues. “And it was no different in my previous roles. “Telstra’s delivery of services is fine, but the billing is a nightmare to deal with, and a nightmare to resolve.”
A colleague referred me to Kevin Jensen at Jensen IPA. I called Kevin in for a chat, decided to take a leap of faith and to see how he went. Our company accounts were a bit complicated as we have had consolidation of companies, mergers and acquisitions. Kevin pulled the accounts apart to see where we were, and our next steps will be resolving that.
Kevin analysed accounts going back a fair while. I can see that we can now stop the number of hours we’ve spent in the past sorting the Telstra accounts rubbish – any credits gained will be a bonus. Just as an indication, last financial year, we received $1.4 million in credits.
Having the integral knowledge in how the Telstra billing departments work is invaluable, Kevin can see what we can’t see, he can glue it together, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like Kevin will have achieved 6 months of consolidated accounts, I am very happy with that !”
Group Manager IS&T.
Photo credit to the owner.