Client Wins for September 2022

JENSEN IPA Client Wins for September 2022
Jensen IPA is an expert in reviewing and ensuring client telecommunication bills (i.e. data, mobile & voice charges) are correct. We had some great wins for our clients during September 2022 – here are a couple of examples.
Client A (a company involved in the transportation industry)
• We’ve worked with the client over the last 12 months & found numerous past & ongoing errors
• So far the client has recovered more than $107K in refunds
• In addition, we’re pursuing another possible error (if proven, the client will receive a further refund of $23K)
You never know what you may find!
The client was so impressed, they’ve signed us on for a 24-month management contract (so now we look after their telecommunication expenditure each month).
Client B (a not-for-profit organisation providing counseling & family support)
• On reviewing the client’s telecommunications bills, we identified they weren’t receiving the data discount they are entitled to (& haven’t received since the contract was signed in 2015!)
• We negotiated with the telecommunications provider for the discount to be applied from the contract commencement date
• The client has since received a credit of $88K for backdated discounts (& will continue to receive the discount going forward)
• We also found Office 365 subscription charges that should have been canceled in August 2019 (we actioned this & credit of a further $20K has since been received)
A total credit of over $108K received so far by identifying & fixing simple errors!

What errors, refunds & credits lie lurking in your telecommunication bills?
CONTACT JENSEN IPA to identify & fix errors in your telecommunication bills (past & future) & in gaining the credits & refunds due to you. 0409 481508 #costreduction #cutcosts #reducecosts #telcoaccounts
$45k = average cost recovery per client.