Jensen IPA Accountants workshop Telstra billing issues Last month, Jensen IP Analysis presented to the Brisbane Northside Accountants Discussion Group. The interaction was lively and illustrated the issues some of the practices were having in interpreting or resolving their clients Telstra accounts. Some requested an audit of some services and others were interested in a 5G tour at the 5G exchange in […] Lee 15/10/2019
You’re a new Retail Tenant ? SO, YOU’RE A NEW RETAIL tenant? Congratulations ! Shortly, you’ll be receiving your first TELSTRA Account . It will reflect new connection fees, and a myriad of other costs and services which even to most Telstra accounts staff is almost incomprehensible. After 33 years resolving Telstra account holder issues, Jensen IPA is your fast, low-cost […] Lee 05/10/2019
Moving your Business ? Particularly for medium to large companies, moving premises and location can takes months of planning and technical expertise. But what about the billing? Often overlooked as the last part of the equation, Billing is often put in the “just too hard ” basket. You may find it is easier just to move on. Recently we […] Lee 15/09/2019
3 Money Smart Tricks to Help You Pay Your Bills and Duties on Time, All The Time When it comes to paying the bills and understanding the charges on your Telecommunications bills, it can quite daunting for many companies. However, not paying them on time will lead to penalties and even shut down of certain services in some cases. You obviously want to avoid such situations. In this article we provide you […] Lee 05/09/2019