Law Firm credited for cancelled Telstra services

Recently, IPA Jensen was able to turn around a persistent billing issue for a small solicitor’s firm.
The challenge? Cairns-based lawyers have been trying to cancel specific services since 2019. Skilled in criminal law and commercial law, O’Reilly Stevens reached out to a Telstra billing specialist to unravel the billing account history.
The hiccup? They had not been informed correctly by the dealers when transitioning to new services that they, the customer, were responsible for cancelling the old services. Sadly, the dealership did not issue cancellation orders, so the customer continued to pay for services they were no longer using.
Sometime later, they realised these services were not working and required cancellation. This is when Jensen IPA was asked to review what happened and explain why.
The miscommunication by Telstra and the dealership could have cost them dearly.
But we did not give up. We worked closely with Telstra, making them understand that this was a dealership mistake, not our client’s.
Result? We successfully got the services cancelled and negotiated a $3,500 credit for the firm.
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